art show

Martin Azevedo

Artist Statement

Martin Azevedo’s prints/drawings explore ideas of symbolism, archetypes, masculinity, power, narrative, and allegory.  Martin was born and raised in Hanford, California. His interest in Art and Printmaking began at the College of the Sequoias in Visalia, CA upon taking a Lithography course.  He then moved on to receive his BA in Art from California State University Chico in 2009, and completed his MFA at The Ohio State University in 2011.  He currently teaches and continues his studio work at CSU Stanislaus in Turlock, CA. 

The body of work completed for this exhibition marks a shift in my artistic practice.  Printmaking has always been an essential part of my process and the majority of my work typically relies heavily upon the multiple and the hand printed image. However, for this exhibition I have turned my efforts towards photography, video, and sculpture. 

My imagery makes use of symbolism and ideas of archetypes as a way to understand the world around me.  I am interested in the simplicity of an image and its ability to convey the same, or different idea or meaning to a group or individual. I am interested in what happens when these symbols interact on the same plane and the conversation that occurs between many or few pieces layered together in one visual plane.

  • Martin working on the linoleum block
    Martin working on the linoleum block
  • Students assisting Martin in printing
    Students assisting Martin in printing
  • Proof printed by art students
    Proof printed by art students
  • Justine Delatour displays the final color print
    Justine Delatour displays the final color print