students at graduation ceremony

Project GROW

Graduate Retention and Opportunities in the Workforce

Project GROW aims to bridge the gap in postbaccalaureate education for low-income students in the Permian Basin. We enhance access to education and foster a supportive environment. We strive to empower individuals to reach their full academic potential and achieve their career goals.

Project GROW is our commitment to creating a fair and open educational landscape. In this world, all students have the resources and support they need to succeed.

Key Project GROW initiatives include expanding postbaccalaureate programs. They will cater to diverse academic interests and career paths. Also, we offer many student support services. These include advising, aid help, and mentorship. They ensure that every student has the tools and guidance for success.

We aim to address the barriers that often hinder low-income students. These barriers stop them from pursuing and completing advanced degrees. We aim to greatly impact enrollment, retention, and graduation rates. We commit to creating a lasting difference. We will do this through targeted outreach, community partnerships, and strategic initiatives. These efforts will help our students and the broader community.

Join us in our mission to empower the next generation of leaders, innovators, and change-makers through Project GROW. Together, we can create a brighter future for all.