“Engineering is not for everyone but the engineering program here at UTPB is absolutely solid,” said Rachel Harris, UT Permian Basin alumnus.
Rachel Harris graduated with a degree in Mechanical Engineering from The University of Texas Permian Basin in 2016.
“The instructors we have here are extremely professional. They are just top notch.”
For Rachel, going into the engineering program was not originally in her cards. She transferred to UT Permian Basin from Midland College, taking every math class they had to offer.
“I guess I fell in love with how Dr. Flocker spun engineering. It was applicable. It was relevant. It was something that I could use all of the math that I learned and just apply it to the engineering program.”
Rachel is currently working on a PhD in mathematics. But it’s her UTPB degree that’s helped her solidify her future in the Air Force.
“I got into a program called SMART, Science for Mathematics and Research Transformation. It’s a program that funds your graduate years and then you commit to working the same amount of years. When they looked at my degree and my resume they thought the mathematics were great but there are a lot of candidates that have mathematics but my engineering background really drew them in.”
It’s easy to see why Rachel is a big advocate for UT Permian Basin. She said this University prepared her for a graduate degree and her career. Most of which she credits to the relationships she built with her professors and fellow classmates.
“The small class sizes like the classes here at UTPB and that connection with the instructors was so pivotal to how I grew. At a larger university you’re really missing out on that connection with your instructor, or your class members. The fact that you can take two lectures and watch everyone give a presentation, that’s something that you don’t get everywhere.”
The UT Permian Basin College of Engineering is truly a place where opportunity meets excellence and the success our graduates have is all the proof you need.
“The quality of UTPB program is just exceptional. It’s like a diamond in the middle of the desert.”