two EMT's treating patient in ambulance
UT Permian Basin's 9-credit hour certificate program delivers a solid foundation in oral and written medical Spanish proficiencies

The University of Texas Permian Basin is committed to serving the needs of our region. We are proud to now offer a first responder certificate in Spanish. The certificate is being offered completely online, which will provide flexibility for students who are likely already in the workforce as paramedics, EMTs, firefighters, or other healthcare professionals.

The Permian Basin has a large Hispanic community, and in a medical emergency, our first responders need to be able to communicate with their patient.

"We see the need to offer more Spanish opportunities, especially healthcare," said Dr. Perla Ábrego, associate professor of Spanish and undergraduate coordinator of the Spanish program at UTPB. "Healthcare professionals and first responders are essential workers, and it’s important to UT Permian Basin to offer additional training to this industry. The Permian Basin has a large Hispanic community, and in a medical emergency, our first responders need to be able to communicate with their patient."

The U.S. Hispanic population has grown to more than 60 million, and more than 3.1 million Spanish-speaking households reported limited English proficiency in 2019. It's clear there is a critical need for Spanish-speaking emergency personnel.

UT Permian Basin's 9-credit hour certificate program delivers a solid foundation in oral and written medical Spanish proficiencies and the cultural competence required to deal effectively with a growing Spanish-speaking population. The program includes an introductory study of medical terminology in Spanish and the creative use of Spanish language in simulated conversations that mirror real-life professional situations.

The certificate program will start this fall, and there is still time to apply. The application deadline is August 9, 2021. To learn more about the course, tuition, and requirements, visit our website, email, or call 866-701-7515.