students typing on computers
Need help over the summer? We're still here! Read below for some important campus announcements.

Although spring commencement has come and gone and summer classes have started (with more to come), it’s quiet on campus for now. It’s true that we see we fewer students in the hallways and gathering spaces, but we know many of you are busy registering for summer or fall classes and getting ready for your future. The UTPB team will be here over the summer to help you! We don’t close or go away, so know you can reach out and we’ll be here.     

Tuition and Fees Update 

The UT System Board of Regents has updated our FY24 tuition and mandatory fee ratesOnly two changes have been made. 

The Medical Services Fee - A non-refundable fee to provide medical services for students at a contracted facility will go from $16.09 to $17.64. Only students enrolled in face-to-face classes that live within a 50-mile radius of campus pay this fee. (Texas Education Code 54.50891) 

The Student Services Fee - A non-refundable fee to fund student services operations and use of facilities and activities will change from $17.97 to $27.77 per hour. The maximum charge for this fee is $250 per student per term. The maximum fee amount is reached at 9 hours. Only students in face-to-face classes pay the Student Services Fee. (Texas Education Code 54.503)  

Reminder: Falcon Free Deadline 

Returning students must accept their financial aid award and register for at least 12 credit hours of classes by June 1 to be eligible for Falcon Free for the 23/24 school year. Returning students who have completed all of their financial aid requirements should be awarded by June 1. Be sure to follow these steps: 

  1. Accept your financial aid in 

  2. Register for classes (email to set your appointment) 


Student Portal - New 

Over the last academic year, we have had a team of folks working on a new portal for students that will replace This new portal will be launched this summer. The portal will have single sign-on for all the programs you use the most and feature customized information just for you. This new portal will essentially be a personalized webpage for you and should make finding information much easier for all students.    

Construction Update 

We haven’t talked about construction in a while. First, one of the Mesa elevators is complete, and soon the second Mesa elevator will be taken offline while it gets updated. Architects are busy meeting with folks on campus about the needs related to the Mesa Building renovation. You can count on new AV and tech in classrooms, along with the development of a one-stop shop for all your enrollment needs so you can get things taken care of in one physical spot or through one point of contact online!