During a May 2023 meeting in Galveston, the membership of the Texas Association of Colleges for Teacher Education (TACTE) elected Dr. Larry G. Daniel, College of Education Dean at UT Permian Basin, as President-Elect of the Association. TACTE is a membership organization for Education deans in the state of Texas and is affiliated with the American Association of Colleges for Teacher Education (AACTE). More than 70 colleges and schools of education in Texas, both public and private, have membership in TACTE.
Regarding his election as President-Elect, Daniel remarked, “I am humbled by the confidence that my TACTE colleagues have placed in me. For many years, I have had a passion for monitoring and influencing educational policy and legislative activities related to teacher education. Service to TACTE will give me an opportunity to work with others to influence state policy for the good of future teachers in the Lone Star State.”
As President-Elect, Daniel joins the TACTE Executive Committee, assists the association’s President as needed, serves in the absence of the President, and plans the program for the association’s summer retreat. This will be the first of four years that Daniel will serve on the Executive Committee as he progresses through the offices of President-Elect (one year), President (one year), and Co-Past-President (two years). Daniel previously served as a member of the TACTE Legislative Committee.
Daniel, who, this month, begins his 20th year as an education dean (including 5 years at UTPB) is no stranger to leadership in state-level dean’s organizations, having served previously as Chair of the Florida State University System Education Deans Group, the South Carolina Education Deans Alliance, and the University of Texas System Education Deans Group. He is also a Past President of a national deans’ organization, the Teacher Education Council of State Colleges and Universities (TECSCU).