Newly named Venus ISD Assistant Superintendent, Howard Gatewood credits UTPB’S Superintendent Certification Program for his success in education administration. From Rochester, New York Gatewood completed 22 years of service in the Marines. He believes his time in the Marines instilled in him a deep sense of duty and commitment.

“Upon retirement, I chose to enter the field of education, driven by the belief that an educated society guarantees our freedom as a country. It provides an educated military that can think critically on the battlefield, a crucial aspect of our national security,” said Gatewood.
A mentor recommended the UTPB Superintendent Certification program to him, due to its reputation of preparing educators with the knowledge of school finance, facility planning, employee management, and human resources management.
The program combines online learning with meetings and discussions, offering a practicum experience. Students apply classroom theory to the school setting and gain hands on experience and real-world skills.
“UTPB prepared me to pass the superintendent certification test and allowed me to interact with and learn from knowledgeable practitioners in the education field,” said Gatewood.
Gatewood believes the program was a transformative experience, connecting him with peers, mentors, and leaders who knew the educational systems from a global perspective. He also says the blended format of online meetings and live feedback was instrumental in his success in finishing the program.
“The course on school finance equipped me with the skills to effectively manage our district's budget, while the facility planning module helped me oversee the planned construction of a new school building,” said Gatewood.
Gatewood describes his time at Venus ISD as immensely fulfilling.
“As a campus principal, I made about 100 small decisions daily that only impacted my campus. Now, as an assistant superintendent, I make about three big decisions daily that have a profound impact on every campus,” said Gatewood.