UTPB Womens Basketball Huddle
“Tamia leads from a place of service which I think is remarkable in someone her age but I think that goes hand in hand with UTPB.”
Tamia Flores, a standout player for UTPB’s women’s basketball team, has turned her lifelong dream of playing collegiate basketball into reality.

tamia-flores-action.jpg“After coming on campus, I knew this was exactly where I was supposed to be,” Tamia shared.

But for Tamia, UTPB quickly became more than just a place to play the game she loves.

“You’ll find a home here. I feel like everyone on this campus cares about everyone we all want to see each other succeed and there’s more than enough resources to help you do that… Even if you just start with asking a question someone will be able to lead you in the right direction and I feel like that’s anywhere, any building here on campus.”

Over the years, she has made her mark at on campus, both on and off the court.

“On the basketball team I am part of the leadership team so that’s kind of like being a captain, I’m an RA in the freshman dorms, I’m a writing tutor in the success center, and I am a student representative on our athletics committee.”

Her dedication and service to others have not gone unnoticed.

“Tamia leads from a place of service which I think is remarkable in someone her age but I think that goes hand in hand with UTPB,” said Head Women’s Basketball Coach, Rae Booth. “We want to serve our students and Tamia is one of those students we do serve but she also serves the entire campus.”

Tamia is graduating with a degree in criminology, a milestone she credits to the supportive academic environment on campus.tamia-flores-action2.jpg

“The professors here really want to see you succeed but that comes with high expectations so I think we are challenged every day in the classroom and it also helps that our class sizes are small so you really do get small, close-knit, one-on-one talks with your professor.”

One of her favorite professors, Dr. Derek Catsam, even designed a course specifically for her on the history of women’s basketball.

“Because I broadcast the basketball games I know the team very well. As a sports historian, I saw her passion for the subject, and we collaborated to create a unique project. It’s been inspiring to see her teammates express interest in the course as well,” said UTPB History Professor, Dr. Derek Catsam.

Thanks to the affordability and scholarships at UTPB, Tamia will walk the stage debt free.

“Being debt free will allow me to not have an extra expense in life. I’ll get to start kind of one step ahead.”

While Tamia is graduating tonight, her journey with UTPB is far from over. With basketball season underway, she’ll begin her MBA in the spring, moving closer to her dream of attending law school.

“Me graduating is not just about me. It’s about the people that have helped me along the way and my family is so excited,” added Tamia.

“Tamia will leave an incredible legacy. She is finishing one degree and starting another. To have two degrees from UTPB, to be a leader, and to transform women’s basketball here—it’s amazing what she has accomplished. Her impact will be felt for years to come,” said Boothe.