Pots-n-Prints is a mobile studio that takes printmaking and ceramics to the rural areas in Southwest and West Texas. One-day workshops are conducted at schools and community centers. The mobile studio consists of a trailer that accommodates a mobile kiln, etching press, screenprinting press and ten potters wheels. During the duration of the workshop, the participants create ceramic artwork, engravings and screenprints. The ceramic artwork is glazed and fired in the portable kiln.
The mobile studio invites accomplished printmakers and ceramicists to the university to work in the visual art studios. The artists increase the creative energy in the program by working with students and engaging them in discussions related to art and its practices. Students who work with the artists are exposed to various forms of art that include printmaking and ceramics. These experiences provide our students with the knowledge and motivation to discover new areas, methods, techniques and processes that are involved in creating successful imagery.
The visiting artists travel with the mobile studio to the underserved rural areas and work with K-12 students. The artists assist in the workshops and work side-by-side with the participants.
The mobile studio is funded by the National Endowment for the Arts (NEA), Odessa Arts and UT Permian Basin.