choir on stage at Wagner Noel


We're in Harmony!

Looking to get involved in Choir? What's your perfect fit...University Choir or Concert Choir? Let us know you're interested.

Are You Ready?

I'm Interested!

Experience the harmony and camaraderie of choral singing with the UTPB Choir. Our choir program welcomes singers of all levels to join a community dedicated to musical excellence and artistic expression. Whether you're an experienced vocalist or new to choral singing, the UTPB Choir offers a supportive environment where you can develop your skills, perform diverse repertoires, and create lasting memories.

Ready to showcase your musical talent?
Sign up now for auditions and join our vibrant music community!
  1. Sign Up for Auditions

  2. You'll be contacted!

    A director will reach out to you with details about auditioning and scholarships.

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