Academic Advising
(432) 552-2661 | OnlineAdvising@utpb.edu
Connect with the online advising team to customize your academic plan.
Academic Support
(432) 552-3350 | success@utpb.edu
- Online Writing Lab: Writing assistance via email. Simply send your draft or writing submission to owl@utpb.edu and a writing tutor will read it and email you feedback to help improve your paper. You can expect a response in 48 hours, excluding weekends.
- Smarthinking: Smarthinking Online Tutoring is a service that UTPB makes available to all its students. Smarthinking provides professional tutoring in mathematics (basic math through Calculus, including Bilingual Math), Biology, Intro Human A&P, General and Organic Chemistry, Physics, Macro and Micro Economics, Accounting, Intro to Finance, Statistics, Spanish, and Writing. Tutoring is available 24/7 with coaches provided by Smarthinking. Access Smarthinking from the link in your Canvas Account.
(432) 552-4696 | leverington@utpb.edu
UT Permian Basin provides access to programs, classes, services, and activities to qualified individuals with disabilities—as required by Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and Title II of the ADA.
FalconOnline@utpb.edu | (432) 522-2872
Canvas Technical Support Phone:
A Learning Management System (LMS) is software used to access distance education courses and face to face classes and hyflex courses. At UTPB, we use the learning management systems, Canvas.
Career Services
(432) 552-2633 | careerservices@utpb.edu
Job or Internship Postings: Shared on the College Central Network.
Resume, Cover Letter, & Interview Resources: Through Optimal Resume.
Career Counseling & Coaching: Contact Career Services directly.
Email & Office 365
(432) 552-2415 | ird@utpb.edu
UTPB has licensed Microsoft Office 365, including the Outlook (email) Web App, which can be accessed at http://www.outlook.com/utpb.edu by entering your UTPB email address (in the format falconID@utpb.edu) and the same password you use for the rest of your UTPB accounts. Office 365 allows enrolled students to download the Microsoft Office Suite to up to five workstations for free, as well as access all the programs while on a browser at portal.office.com.
Financial Aid
(432) 552-2620 | finaid@utpb.edu Include your full name & 10 digit student ID
View your financial aid in http://my.utpb.edu via the Financial Aid tab.
Financial Literacy
(432) 552-3602 | ortiz_d@utpb.edu
The Office of Financial Literacy and Planning assists students in making smart financial decisions while in college. Financial seminar topics include budget management, student loans, financial aid, debt reduction, managing credit, and saving/investing. In addition to seminars and coaching, the website includes financial literacy materials such as loan calculators, scholarship searches, and tips.
UT Permian Basin’s policies and procedures for handling written student academic and non-academic complaints are applicable to all students, including those enrolled in distance education programs. Students with complaints about distance education delivered by UT Permian Basin are encouraged to resolve issues or complaints by using the University Complaint Form or the student grievance process described in our Student Grievances procedures. The grievance policy instructs students on who to contact throughout the process and informs the students about requesting a Student Rights Advocate.
Library Services
(432) 552-2370 | libraryservices@utpb.edu
The library’s website includes:
Falcon Finder: Main search bar that searches the library’s catalog, databases, and e-journal collections.
Research, Help, & Support: Connects you to the library’s different research services and ways of getting help.
Find, Renew, Request: Find Interlibrary Loan forms to request items from other libraries.
Databases: Search the library’s databases alphabetically, by subject, type, or keyword.
Journal Search: A shortcut to search for journal titles owned by the library.
Falcon Chat: A chat service for research and general assistance. Falcon Chat is staffed during normal library hours.
Medical Insurance
Personal health insurance coverage is the responsibility of each individual student. The University of Texas System Student Health Insurance Plan (SHIP) is comprehensive insurance designed to cover hospitalization and treatment for more serious health issues. Students interested in purchasing personal health insurance can find more information on the UTPB Academic Blue site.
Student portal accessed from http://my.utpb.edu (class registration, update personal information, financial aid)
Student Life
(432) 552-2651 | studentlife@utpb.edu
Student organizations & events:
E-programming: Download the “UTPB Events” app & check weekly emailed newsletter to join from anywhere
Wellness Services
1-866-743-7732 | Download the free app from the App Store or Google Play
UT Permian Basin has launched the My SSP App for students. With My SSP, we have expanded counseling services to students significantly and put the power of help in your hands.
- Free and confidential mental health and wellbeing support available to students 24/7/365.
- Access to clinical counselors that have experience working with students and speak multiple languages.
- Effective and convenient ways for students to access support via telephone, chat, video, mobile app, or web.
Includes access to virtual fitness programs through the App via LIFT.
Veteran Services
(432) 522-2830
The Office of Veteran Affairs offers assistance to students receiving educational assistance under one of the public laws for veterans and/or their dependents. Students utilizing Veteran Affairs benefits and/or the Hazelwood exemption should contact the Veteran Affairs Office to obtain information regarding enrollment and specific requirements.
Technology Services
(432) 552-4357 | help@utpb.edu
UT Permian Basin provide students with the technology and services to access free software available to students.
Remote Exam Proctoring Services
Remote exam proctoring is available to students through Honorlock. It does not require you to download any software and integrates seamlessly with Canvas by means of a Chrome Extension that can be easily removed and added back later. You DO NOT need to create an account or schedule an appointment in advance. It is completely controlled by the Instructor with real-time video updates as soon as students finish testing.
Program and Services |
Contact |
Academic AdvisingConnect with the online advising team to customize your academic plan. |
Email: success@utpb.edu Phone: (432) 552-3350 |
Academic Support
Email: success@utpb.edu Phone: (432) 552-3350 |
AccommodationsUT Permian Basin provides access to programs, classes, services, and activities to qualified individuals with disabilities—as required by Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and Title II of the ADA. |
Email: leverington@utpb.edu Phone: (432) 552-4696 |