English Graduate Program
Our English faculty strive to cultivate intellectual growth and to stimulate diverse scholarly interests. They are also committed to offering students the opportunity not only to master current knowledge but to contribute to this knowledge through research and original thinking. Our department is particularly known for its concentration on the burgeoning field of interdisciplinary studies. Graduate students are encouraged to participate in academic conferences and to publish in scholarly journals.
The English Graduate Program will professionally empower students through their active involvement in academic conferences and scholarly publications; motivate students to increase the knowledge of their field by their own contribution of original work; enhance students' awareness of the cultural contexts of theoretical and literary works; provide rhetorical skills in preparation for such professions as teaching, law, publishing, and public relations.
You can earn your graduate degree in English in as little as two years face-to-face, online, or both!
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"Why an M.A. in English?"
An M.A. degree in English from UTPB has several benefits, such as learning to work with the materials of literature with scholarly competence and maturity, gaining knowledge of major periods, theories, methodologies, movements and genres in British, American or multicultural literature, enhancing awareness of the theoretical and cultural contexts of literary works, providing students with rhetorical skills such argument, analysis, explication and criticism, and preparing students to make original contributions to existing scholarship in the field.
The program also serves high school teachers looking to teach advanced/concurrent courses, and prepares students for careers in publishing, editing, and research as well.
How to Enter the Graduate English Program
- Fill out application for admission into the Graduate School at UTPB.
- Take the GRE Exam.
- Submit a one-page statement of purpose explaining your qualifications and desire for an MA degree in English at University of Texas Permian Basin.
- Include a 10-20 page sample of your writing, preferably a research paper in the discipline of English.
- Submit two letters of recommendation.
- Submit all transcripts of college-level work.
Application materials should be submitted by email to gradstudies@utpb.edu, or by mail to
Office of Graduate Studies
The University of Texas Permian Basin
4901 E. University Blvd.
Odessa, TX 79762
Non-Degree Seeking Applicants
You may apply to be a non-degree seeking student in the English MA program. Simply complete the online application form, being sure to check the box for non-degree seeking applicant. Also submit all college-level transcripts to UTPB. Once you have completed those steps, submit an email to the Dean of Graduate Studies at gradstudies@utpb.edu explaining how many graduate hours you are hoping to take and for what purpose.
Interdisciplinary Graduate Courses
(In addition to regular graduate courses)
- British Literature: Literature and the Sister Arts; Literature and Mythology
- American Literature: Nature Writing; Border Literature & Theory
- Rhetoric and Composition: The Politics of Language; Qualitative Research Methods
- Literature and Media Studies: Literature and Film in the Posthuman Age; Film and Media Theory
Graduate Teaching Assistantships
M.A. students in the English Department may have the unique opportunity to serve as a Graduate Assistant (GA) and Graduate Teaching Assistant (GTA).
More InformationGraduate Scholarships
Wanna go to graduate school but need some help? Here are some scholarships we have available to you!
Available ScholarshipsGraduate Catalog
Get a more in-depth look at the degree plan and required courses inside the course catalog.
Graduate Programs of Study