Travel Warnings
When you are a part of our Study Abroad program, your safety is paramount to us. That’s why we ensure you follow travel guidelines and abide by current known travel warnings.
You Must Register with International SOS
All international travelers, faculty, staff and students must be registered with International SOS. Information about ISOS, the ISOS contact card and how to register trip information in MyTrips and can be found here:
Enter 11BSGC000037 in the Member Number field at the upper right of the page.
Travel to Liberia, Sierra Leon and Guinea
Any travel to Liberia, Sierra Leon and Guinea must:
- Be approved by the IOC (Dr. Robert Perry, chair), President, and EVC for Health Affairs and
- Any travelers to those countries will be subject to health screenings, self-quarantine, and possible work-related restrictions upon their return to the United States.
Current Restricted Regions
While all travel abroad has inherent risks, some parts of the world pose heightened risks to the health and safety of travelers. UT believes that an international experience is essential to our academic mission; thus, the International Oversight Committee (IOC) created the Restricted Regions Travel Policy in order to safeguard the well-being of students, faculty, and staff going abroad.
Any travel to any other country or region with a travel warning or one identified as having a significant risk must be approved by the IOC. Please review the UT travel warning site before making travel arrangements at https://global.utexas.edu/risk/travel/restricted-regions.
The Restricted Regions List includes, but is not limited to
- All countries with a current U.S. Department of State Travel Warning
- All international locations with an International SOS travel risk rating of High or Extreme, whether or not there is an accompanying U.S. Department of State Travel Warning.