Dear Falcons,
It is with a heavy heart that I share my thoughts as we struggle to understand the events that are
unfolding in our country. Just as we are in the midst of battling a global pandemic and a crippling
economic downturn, our nation is also reeling with pain over the incomprehensible death of
George Floyd, the acts of violence that have followed, and the hate that too many have
experienced for so long.
The University family will remain steadfast in our commitment to stand against violence, hatred,
bigotry, and racism. We hold firm to our mission to be a place where diversity is celebrated and
racism is not tolerated.
We feel sadness, especially for the black community, and those in our Falcon family, who watch
these events unfold and feel heartbroken and afraid. We must all find a way to be better. We
renew our commitment to be part of the solution and to seek the deepest understanding of how
we can support meaningful change and healing.
Sandy Woodley
UT Permian Basin President