Sophia Andres

Sophia Andres

College of Arts and Sciences
Department of Literature and Language
English Program
MB 3256

Education: BA, MA, San Jose State University, California; PhD (1985), University of Edinburgh

Awards: Member of the UT System Academy of Distinguished Teachers, UT Regents' Outstanding Teaching Award Winner (2011), Minnie Stevens Piper Award for Outstanding Academic and Scholarly Achievement (2008), President's Outstanding Research Award (2006), La Mancha Award, Chancellor’s Council Outstanding Teaching Award (1995).

PublicationsPoetry in Pre-Raphaelite Paintings: Transcending Boundaries (2018); The Pre-Raphaelite Art of the Victorian Novel: Narrative Challenges to Visual Gendered Boundaries (2005); articles in ELHJournal of Narrative Technique, Journal of Narrative Theory, Victorians Institute Journal, Victorian Newsletter, Clio, Mosaic, George Elliot-George Henry Lewes Studies, and Journal of Pre-Raphaelite Studies; entries in Oxford Bibliographies Online (Oxford University Press). 

Research Interests: Romantic and Victorian literature and art; modern and postmodern British fiction; the Pre-Raphaelites