Tara Wilson
Tara Wilson is an Associate Professor of Literacy, and the Program Coordinator for the Literacy Master’s Program here at UTPB. I'm originally from Spring, TX and went to Sam Houston State University for all three of my degrees. I taught kindergarten for 7 years and then was a literacy specialist for 4 years. For most of that time, I was also an adjunct at Sam Houston teaching early childhood courses. I came to UTPB in August of 2017. I teach both undergraduate and graduate-level courses. I conduct research on literacy coaching, community literacy, and teacher preparation. In my spare time, I love to watch read, hang out with my husband, and spend time with my two fur-babies.
- (2015) Ed.D. Literacy, Sam Houston State University
- (2009) M.Ed. Curriculum & Instruction – Sam Houston State University
- (2006) B.S. Interdisciplinary Studies – Sam Houston State University
Research Interests
- Literacy Coaching
- Community and Teacher Preparation
List of Publications
Wilson, T. (2021). Making sense of literacy assessments, 2nd ed. Kendall Hunt.
Wilson, T. (2019). Making sense of literacy assessments, 1st ed. Kendall Hunt.
Refereed Journal Articles
Wilson, T. (2020). Coach on call: Teachers’ Perceptions of on-call literacy coaching.
Texas Journal of Literacy Education.
Wilson, T. (2018). The Giver: Getting students out of their comfort zone.
English in Texas.
Wilson, T. (2018). Prekindergarten and kindergarten literacy coaches: Roles and responsibilities. Early Years. 39 (2), 21-23.
Book Chapter
Wilson, T. (2022). An Example of a Community Focused on Literacy in A Field guide to community literacy: Case studies and tools for praxis, evaluation, and research. Taylor and Francis.
Refereed Proceedings
Wilson, T. (2021). Bookworms: How a community strengthens their children’s’ social development through books Southern Early Childhood Association 21st Annual Conference. Chattanooga, TN, held virtually on March 15 – 24th
Wilson, T. (2021). Service-learning with pre-service teachers. International Academic Forum’s International Conference on Education. Hawaii, held virtually January 06-09, 2021.
Landreth, S. & Wilson, T. (2019). Building a Bridge to Comprehension Using the Secondary Fluency Routine. Association of Literacy Educators and Researchers 63rd Annual Conference. Corpus Christie, TX. November 07 – 10, 2019.
Landreth, S. & Wilson, T. (2019). Developing Fluency and Comprehension in Struggling Adolescent Readers. Ireland International Conference on Education. Dublin, Ireland. October 22-24, 2019.
Rosenblatt, K., Salgado, Y., & Wilson, T. (2019). Investigating the use of video modeling to increase reading comprehension among English Language Learners. Paper Presented at the London International Conference on Education. Cambridge, U.K.
Wilson, T. (2018). Phonological awareness and the pre-k guidelines. 54th Annual Texas Association of Educators of Young Children Conference. Galveston, TX. October 11-13, 2018.
Wilson, T. & Rosenblatt, K. (2018). Promoting joy in our learning communities through service learning. NCTE’s WLU Summer Institute. Baltimore, MD. July 12-14, 2018.