Mohamed Zobaa
Mohamed K Zobaa received his PhD degree in 2011 in Geology and Geophysics from Missouri University of Science and Technology. His BS (Geology) and MS (Paleontology) degrees were awarded by Benha University, Egypt. Mohamed has been working continuously in academia since 2002, beginning during his graduate training. He has taught several geology courses at both the undergraduate and post-graduate levels (e.g. Stratigraphy and Sedimentation; Systematic Paleontology; Stratigraphy Lab; Paleobotany and Palynology). His teaching at institutions in Egypt and the USA has given him the experience to handle large class numbers as well as students from a wide range of cultural and educational backgrounds. Mohamed’s research expertise is mainly focused on Applied Palynology (palynofacies analysis, organic thermal maturation, source rock evaluation, paleoenvironmental reconstruction, detecting past catastrophic climatic events), in addition to systematic palynology and Mesozoic and Cenozoic palynostratigraphy. His scientific record includes many published international journal papers and conference/workshop abstracts, as well as several invited talks, funded awards, and achievement and recognition awards. This in addition to supervising MS and PhD students as well as serving as a reviewer for NSF and 11 peer-reviewed international journals.
- Physical Geology
- Historical Geology
- Invertebrate Paleontology
- Micropaleontology
- Basic Field Methods
- Advanced Field Geology (summer field camp)
- Mineralogy
- Micropaleontology
- Sedimentary Organic Matter (SOM)
- SOM Research Methods
- Scientific Communication
Research Interests
I'm primarily interested in utilizing palynology to understand the accumulation, distribution, and metamorphism of sedimentary organic matter in time and space, and how this can be employed to characterize hydrocarbon systems, interpret paleoenvironment, delineate biostratigraphic events and solve geologically related problems.