Audience at Distinguished Lecture Series
The Robert Edsel Distinguished Lecture Series took place at the Wagner Noel Performing Arts Center on September 27, 2022

The Shepperd Leadership Institute relaunched its Distinguished Lecture Series with resounding success in September! Robert M. Edsel, #1 New York Times Best-Selling author of “The Monuments Men,” was the featured speaker for Fall Distinguished Lecture.

The Monuments Men were the World War II scholar-soldiers who protected and saved tens of thousands of artistic treasures from the destruction of war and theft by the Nazis. Robert Edsel shared their true story and their ongoing mission.

“I cherished the opportunity to participate in the Shepperd Leadership Institute Distinguished Lecture Series and share with my fellow Texans the inspiring story of the Monuments Men and Women,” Edsel said. “Their heroism and nobility of purpose represented the very best of our nation.”

An estimated 350 – 400 people attended the event on September 27, at the Wagner Noël Performing Arts Center.

“I know Robert Edsel expanded minds in our community and left just about everyone inspired,” explained Shelby Landgraf, Director of Community Engagement at UTPB’s Shepperd Leadership Institute. “His commitment to this cultural cause is second to none, as he stayed to autograph his books until the last guest exited.”