Presidential Archives display case
The President Joseph R. Biden Jr. portrait will be unveiled on Thursday, January 19, 2023

The Ellen Noël Art Museum is set to unveil the Presidential Archive's latest presidential portraiture. 

The President Joseph R. Biden Jr. portrait will be unveiled on Thursday, January 19, 2023 from 5:00 - 6:30 PM with a reception in the Presidential Archives. You're invited to the unveiling reception, which will include special guests: the portrait artist, Francisca "Paquita" Esteve, and the portrait donor, Gary Edmison. president-biden-portrait-unveiling---jan-19-2023-invite.png

Presidential portraiture is a focal point of the Presidential Archives. Paintings alongside photographs, sculptures, engravings, and a selection of memorabilia from past presidents and first ladies reflect the tradition of the Office of the President. The collection of presidential portraiture is by different artists and spans several decades from President Richard Nixon to now President Joe Biden.

Francisca "Paquita" Esteve, the artist who created the Biden portrait, was born in Valencia and grew up in Barcelona, where she was classically trained at Escuela Massana, Art and Design Center. She's lived in Mexico and China working as a professional painter and interior designer. She and her husband, Professor Marlon L. Fick, moved to the U.S. in 2014.

The Biden portrait was generously donated by Gary Edmiston, an long-time supporter and volunteer with the Presidential Archives.

The Presidential Archives and the Ellen Noël Art Museum are open to the public inside the Buddy and Shirley West Building at 4919 E. University Blvd. The hours of operations are: Tuesday - Sunday: 12:00 - 5:00 PM, and Thursdays until 8:00 PM. Admission is free.