At UTPB you can earn your degree for free! We believe that a college education is transformative and money shouldn't hold you back. That's why we created the Falcon Free program, a plan that covers the cost of tuition and mandatory fees for most students. Whether you’re an incoming freshman, transfer student, online student, or a current Falcon- you can qualify for Falcon Free!
Funds are limited and time is running out. APPLY NOW so you can accept your Falcon Free award by the June 1, 2023 deadline!
All students have to do is follow 3 simple steps:
Apply to UTPB
Current students can skip the first step, you're already a Falcon
Fill out your FAFSA/TASFA
We can get you scholarships and keep your info safe
Accept their funding by June 1, 2023
Use your student portal,

What is Falcon Free?
Thanks to a generous endowment from UT System, UT Permian Basin can now cover tuition and fees for any Texas resident, pursuing an undergraduate degree, whose family (or individual) has an Adjusted Gross Income (AGI) of $100,000 a year or less! You read that right; you can go to school for free at UTPB. No loans. No debt. All students have to do is apply to UTPB and fill out their FAFSA/TASFA. The money will be automatically awarded to their account.
Does your family make more than $100k a year?
There are several other tuition assistance programs that fall under Falcon Free. Visit our Falcon Free page to learn more about all of the options. You can also contact our financial aid team. It’s their mission to find scholarships for our students to make earning a college degree affordable!