Fog on Campus

Department Safety Liaison


The goal and purpose of the Department Safety Liaison (DSL) Program is to maintain a safe and healthful workplace through: 

  • Dissemination of fire/life safety and emergency response information 
  • Educational meetings and safety training 
  • Hazard reporting 
  • Performing DSL responsibilities for hazard communication program 
  • Conducting safety evaluations 


  • Meet quarterly for safety training and to discuss safety issues confronting departments. 
  • Maintain a copy of the current Department Safety Liaison Handbook. Ensure all employees in your department are aware of their responsibilities in the event of an emergency or evacuation. 
  • Notify Environmental Health and Safety (EH&S) when the department’s Evacuation Plan requires updating due to moves or construction. 
  • Provide information and direction to the department before and during evacuation exercises and in the event of a fire or other emergency. 
  • Identify individuals in the department who might need assistance in the event of an emergency due to temporary or permanent disability. 
  • Develop an evacuation form of all employees in the areas you oversee.   
  • Sponsor safety training for staff/employees in cooperation with the EH&S office. 
  • Disseminate safety information to staff. 
  • Perform the DSL responsibilities for Hazard Communication as described in this handbook. 
  • Assist the EH&S office with responding to employee hazard reports. 
  • Conduct monthly safety evaluations for the department using the facility inspection checklist provided in this handbook. 


Resources for DSL’s