College Level Examination Program
The CLEP Subject Examinations are designed to assess achievement in specific college subjects. Each test contains various kinds of multiple-choice questions and allows 90 minutes to complete the items.
CLEP Subject Examinations may be taken at any national testing center. Score reports are sent to your designated test center within one week after the test date. Other test centers, detailed descriptions of CLEP examinations, sample questions and suggested resources for preparation are available on The College Board web site. UTPB is an open CLEP test center administering CLEP exams to students and others in the West Texas community. Examinees can only receive course credit at UT Permian Basin if they are an actively enrolled student and have completed a semester of course credit.
Principles of Financial Accounting (ACCT 2301), 50
General Biology (BIOL 1306/1106), 50
General Chemistry (CHEM 1311/1111), 50
Principles of Macroeconomics (ECON 2301), 50
Principles of Microeconomics (ECON 2302), 50
College Composition (ENGL 1301), 50
College Composition (ENGL 1301, 1302), 58
American Literature (ENGL 2327), 50
History of U.S. I (HIST 1301), 50
History of U.S. II (HIST 1302), 50
Western Civilization I (HIST 2311), 50
Western Civilization II (HIST 2312), 50
College Algebra (MATH 1314), 50
College Mathematics (MATH 1332), 50
Pre-calculus (MATH 2412), 50
Calculus (MATH 2413), 50
Principles of Management (MNGT 3310), 55
Introduction to Business Law (MNGT 3324), 55
Principles of Marketing (MRKT 3300), 55
American Government (PLSC 2305), 50
Introduction to Psychology (PSYC 1301), 50
Introduction to Sociology (SOCI 1301), 50
Spanish Language (SPAN 1411, 1412), 50
Spanish Language (SPAN 1411, 1412, 2311), 58
Spanish Language (SPAN 1411, 1412, 2311, 2312), 66
If you have any questions about CLEP requirements, please contact the Admissions office.