The UTPB Bookstore is Your Best Bet
The campus bookstore partners with faculty to choose the most cost-efficient items. They also offer price match if you find a book cheaper elsewhere.
Before buying a textbooks for any course, please check the UTPB bookstore site link below. This site shows the textbooks ordered by the instructor for each course and allows you order your books online as well as in the bookstore.
ISBN stands for "International Standard Book Number." This unique identifier of each book edition is printed on the copyright page as well as back cover near the bar code. Checking the ISBN guarantees you’ve got the right book.
What’s the difference between "Textbooks" vs. "Course Materials”?
Course materials is a broader category that includes digital materials and supplies like lab goggles. It's everything you need for a class.
What's the difference between “Required," “Recommended," and "Suggested" textbooks?
- Required: it’s necessary for the course.
- Recommended: the instructor has suggested an item that may be helpful.
- Suggested: these items are often purchased with the required book, or other students have found the item useful.
What are “Book Rentals”?
Some titles are available on a rental basis—ideal for students who want to save some money and don’t want to keep the book after the class is complete.
At the end of the term, the student is responsible for returning the book to the store in good condition. (You can write in it or highlight reasonably, but need to protect it from excessive wear or water staining). If the book is not returned in acceptable condition, or not returned at all, the student will be charged approximately the difference of the rental fee and if they just bought it originally.