Student Health Insurance
The Medical Insurance Plan
The plan is designed to provide student’s basic primary healthcare needs in an outpatient setting. The health care provider listed will provide medical services to eligible UTPB students at their office. Medical services will be provided as deemed medically necessary by the treating physician. The medical service fee paid at registration covers the costs of services provided under the plan. The medical service plan does not cover online only students outside a 50-mile radius of 79762 or dual credit students.
Additional Health Insurance Option Personal health coverage is the responsibility of each individual student. Students are encouraged to carry health and accident insurance. The University of Texas System Health Insurance is a comprehensive insurance plan designed to cover hospitalization and treatment for more serious health problems. For students interested in purchasing this additional health coverage, the insurance policy information is available under the UT Permian Basin Section at https://utpb.myahpcare.com. This insurance meets the insurance requirements for international students.
Academic Blue by Blue Cross Blue Shield of Texas
We partner with Blue Cross Blue Shield of Texas and Academic Health Plans to allow you to choose a plan, network and premium cost that best suits your needs.