Provide a copy of the following documents with your CPT application:
· Valid passport
· Curricular Practical Training Application form completed by the Academic Advisor, Graduate Coordinator, Department Head, or Dean
· A job offer from your prospective employer on company letterhead
o Include company’s full name and address in the body of the letter
o The EXACT number of work hours per week
§ part time (up to 20 hours per week)
§ Full time (more than 20 hours per week)
o The street address where you will complete the work, telephone and email, if different from the company’s headquarters
o The beginning and ending dates of employment
o The title of your position and the job description for your CPT experience
§ The description should state how your duties will supplement knowledge you have gained or will gain in courses so that your academic department can approve this as an academically appropriate experience
· A statement of explanation showing how your program of study requires the internship to complete degree requirements
o Such as providing the degree requirements from the academic catalog, or how it is an integral part of the academic program
o Provide this explanation with the other documents to be reviewed by your academic department
· Graduate students: Copy of your plan of study (preliminary or approved) showing the courses required to obtain your degree.