Ernest Aragon was born and raised in Phoenix, Arizona and transferred to UT Permian Basin in spring of 2017 to study engineering. Recently Ernest traveled to the Great Wall of China, proudly wearing his UT Permian Basin gear. Here’s a great conversation we had about his adventure.
Q: Why did you choose UT Permian Basin?A: I knew I wanted to be an engineer. After researching several schools I chose UTPB because they offered a degree in petroleum engineering. It is a field that I felt was unique and exciting as well as rewarding. Another major factor in my decision was that UTPB offers a very affordable tuition rate for out of state residents such as myself. I’m thankful that I chose UTPB. The professors in my engineering program demonstrate passion and demand excellence. That expectation from my professors motivates me to succeed.
Q: Tell us about your life on campus at UT Permian Basin:A: I live on campus and work as an RA for student housing. The campus community is wonderful and my coworkers are amazing.
Q: You love to travel! Why are you so passionate about this experience?A: Some people scrapbook and collect stamps. I read travel blogs and scour the internet every day for flight deals. I want to see and experience all of the wonders of the world. Last year I went to Peru and hiked Machu Picchu. My latest trip took me to Asia. It’s an adventure I’ve dreamed about for as long as I can remember.
The first leg of my trip took me to Japan. I spent five days in Tokyo. I immediately fell in love with Japanese culture and FOOD! I had so many memorable moments in Japan. I was traveling alone and had only a backpack (which is mostly what I do). I got lost on the subway countless times and had amazing Ramen and sushi. I visited Mount Fuji on my last day and was overwhelmed by its beauty. My favorite moment in Tokyo was on New Year’s Eve. I celebrated the countdown to the New Year at the Shibuya crossing. It is rumored to be the busiest intersection in the world.
On one of my last days in
I would say that my passion for traveling has definitely impacted my decision to pursue a career as a petroleum engineer. I understand that when I graduate, many jobs may require me to work in parts of the world that are not close to home. That excites me and fuels my desire to graduate and be successful.
I had a few people ask me what UTPB stands for when I was in Asia. I was proud to tell them that it was the University I attend in Texas. I love to get the word out about UT Permian Basin at any opportunity. FALCONS UP!