Management Responsibilities Handbook
Do Your Part to Effectively Manage
The administration of a university is a challenging task. For the most part, universities operate in a decentralized environment. This means that key management responsibilities such as the ability to expend funds are delegated throughout a university to department heads and various budget authorities.
As a result of this delegation, department heads and budget authorities are responsible for broad aspects of day-to-day operations including financial stewardship and compliance with laws, regulations, policies, and procedures. To operate effectively in a decentralized environment, department heads and budget authorities must understand, accept, and discharge all their management responsibilities.
Download the Management Responsibilities Handbook
Purpose of the Handbook
- To summarize and clearly communicate management responsibilities for which department heads and budget authorities will be held accountable,
- To summarize significant laws, regulations, policies, and procedures most applicable to managing a department or accounts, and
- To identify key resource departments and personnel who are available to assist department heads and budget authorities when they have problems or questions.
This is an important reference manual. Please read it carefully. Your comments and suggestions for future editions of the handbook should be addressed to the Vice President for Business Affairs or the Chief Internal Auditor or Chief Compliance Officer.