Undergraduate Student Research
UTPB Undergraduate Research Program will be offering research grants. Interested undergraduate students will submit
As in the past, students will be expected to attend a seminar on graduate school and present their research at the undergraduate research day in the spring. In addition to attending a graduate school
To qualify, students must be undergraduate students for the entire academic year of the program.
The new application system for the undergraduate research program has been launched! The call will remain open through September. Late submissions will not be considered. Please have your proposal, detailed budget, and mentor letter ready before beginning the submission process.
You must include the title of the study, the researcher(s) names and the faculty mentor(s) name(s).
The online proposal system will be available for submissions in early September.For questions regarding Undergraduate Research Day, contact Dr. Rebecca Babcock at babcock_r@utpb.edu
The call for posters occurs every January.
To submit a poster go to https://falconcommons.utpb.edu/utpb-jour/, click on "submit article," then choose "poster abstract" as the type of article.
The poster session will occur on undergraduate research day at the end of each spring semester.
FREO Award Application
The Falcon Research & Educational Opportunities (FREO) Award is funded through the Division of Student Affairs and Leadership. The award is designed to encourage students to get involved in research and educational opportunities (conferences) to enhance their university experience. The award is offered to UTPB students to assist with the cost of travel expenses, registration, and materials. Awards may be up to $500.00 for each student. The FREO committee will review all award applications and documentation provided. You will be notified in writing of the committee's decision. Note: This program does not help support research.
FREO Application