Analytical Instruments
Most of the chemistry department's analytical instruments are located in ST 1211, 1217, 1235, and 1241. The Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Laboratory, ST 1211, provides the special environment necessary for a liquid nitrogen and liquid helium cooled superconducting magnet. The majority of the larger analytical instruments are located in the chemistry department's Analytical Instruments Labs, with organic related instruments in ST 1217 and inorganic instruments in ST 1235.
At UTPB a significant difference exists regarding student access to instrumentation. Once the theory and operation of an instrument has been introduced in a lab class, all students have unlimited "hands-on" use of these instruments. Most instrument instruction is provided in the Org. Chem. II lab course CHEM 3114 and in the Analytical Chemistry lab CHEM 3225. Upper-level classes on each particular type of instrumental technology are offered as chemistry electives in conjunction with continuing research courses.
- Bruker Avance 400 MHz super conducting FT-NMR
- Perkin-Elmer Spectrum One FT-IR
- Agilent 7890A/5975C GC/MS System
- Waters 1515 HPLC
- Varian 240FS AA/GFAA Atomic Absorption
- Electrochemical Workstation Zahner IM6
- Varian ICP-MS
- CEM Microwave Accelerated Reaction System
- X-Ray Diffractometer-Bruker D8 Advanced
- Perkin Elmer ICP-OES Avio 200
- Shimadzu RF-6000 Fluorescence Spectrometer
- UV-Vis
- Hewlett-Packard 8453 UV/Vis Spectrometer
- Thermo Scientific EVOLUTION One Plus)
- Mettler Toloedo - TGA-DSC3+
- 100 MHz benchtop NMR Spectrometer
- Liquid Chromatography
- TOC/COD Spectrometer
- Wave now Potentiostat
- JEOL 100 JSM Scanning Electron Microscope
- Shimadzu GC-MS -TQ8040 with Automatic injector
- Magnetic susceptibility balance
- Nitrogen glove box