International Flags hanging in the SAC

International Graduate English Language Proficiency

All international applicants are required to provide official proof of proficiency in the English language by submitting one of the following:

TOEFL, IELTS, Duolingo, GTEC, or Cambridge scores will not be required from an international applicant if:
  • Students who are citizens or have achieved a degree from the following countries are not required to submit English proficiency scores: America Samoa, Australia, Bahamas, Barbados, Belize, Canada (except Quebec), Dominica, Grenada, Grand Cayman, Ghana, Guyana, India, Ireland, Jamaica, Kenya, Liberia, New Zealand, Nigeria, Puerto Rico, Singapore, Trinidad/Tobago, Turks and Caicos Islands, United Kingdom, U.S. Pacific Trust. 
  • The applicant has been conferred a Bachelor’s degree from a United States accredited, four-year college or university, which is confirmed by an official transcript, or 
  • The applicant has taken at least one full semester of English composition (not developmental or remedial) at a United States college or university and received a grade of “C” or better, which is confirmed by an official transcript submitted directly form the issuing institution to UTPB graduate studies office.

ALL scores must be sent directly from the testing agency to the university to be considered official. Scores should be mailed to: Graduate Studies, University of Texas Permian Basin, 4901 East University, Odessa, Texas 79762, or emailed to