Students sitting in an auditorium

Online Tools and Resources - Startup Tree us where top  students join, launch, or scale the next big ideas and build experience for their careers.  This software platform enables UTPB students to discover opportunities, take part in events, and be involved within our community.  All Blackstone LaunchPad events, workshops, and competitions will be using Startup Tree. 

UTPB Small Business Development Center - UTPB SBDC allows entrepreneurs to have access to professional and confidential business advising, a variety of quality training programs, and an extensive referral network. 

Techstars Entrepreneur's Toolkit - Modules available on entrepreneurship fundamentals 

UT Business Databases - The University of Texas Libraries offers 95 business databases to UT students, faculty, and staff for free. 

IDEO'S Design Kit - is a nonprofit design studio.  This Design Kit is a great resource for conducting primary research. 

Future Founders - Future Founders is a non profit organization that helps 18 to 30 year old entrepreneurs create and scale ventures across all industries. 

Global Consortium of Entrepreneurship Centers - GCEC was established for the purpose of becoming the key junction for university based entrepreneurship centers across the US.

Startup Grind - Startup Grind is the world’s largest community of startups, founders, innovators, and creators.  It brings like-minded yet diverse individuals together to connect, learn, teach, help, build, and belong. 

Verizon Small Business Digital Ready - This free resource will provide training, advice and other community-related content to give small businesses a big time boost. Great for students and alumni!