Honors Program
The University of Texas Permian Basin Honors Program provides a one-of-a-kind experience for academically talented students. The Honors Program is open to students across all academic disciplines.
Honors Program Requirements:
- Minimum 3.5 high school GPA (on a 4.0 scale)
- 1100 SAT or 24 ACT
- UTPB recognizes that high school GPAs and standardized tests will not measure each student's academic capabilities and talents. A student who does not meet the initial requirements may submit an application to the Honors Program along with two letters of recommendation from former teachers.
- Automatic admission to the Honors Program will be granted to any student who:
- is a National Merit Scholar
- is a Hispanic Merit Scholar
- has earned an International Baccalaureate degree
About The Honors Program:
As a member of the University Honors Program, students will gain unique opportunities that will enhance their academic experience. Students in the UTPB honors program interact with highly motivated faculty, staff, and peers.
Students who register with the University Honors Program and successfully complete the following three-course sequence: UNIV 1301, UNIV 1302, and UNIV 2301, will be given credit for three general education courses:
- Language, Philosophy, and Culture
- Creative Arts;
- Government/Political Science.
Honors students enrolled in UNIV 1301 are not required to take the Freshmen Seminar course (UNIV 1101).
For more information on the UTPB Honors Program, please contact Mr. Chris Stanley.