Core Curriculum Class List
The 42-semester credit hour UT Permian Basin general education core described here conforms to the requirements of the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board. The purpose of the Texas core curriculum is that "through the Core Curriculum, students will gain a foundation of knowledge of human cultures and the physical and natural world; develop principles of personal and social responsibility for living in a diverse world; and advance intellectual and practical skills that are essential for all learning." (Undergraduate Education Advisory Committee, "Revising the State Core Curriculum: A focus on 21st century competencies." April 2011)
The table shows the core curriculum for students who enter UT Permian Basin for the Fall Semester and beyond. It includes the component area of each core course along with the UT Permian Basin course number and the Texas Common Course Number (TCCN).
Students should consult with an adviser in the Advising Center or their faculty advisor before choosing core curriculum courses or refer to degree requirements in their major.
UTPB Course Number
ENGL 1301
Composition I
ENGL 1301
ENGL 1302
Composition II
ENGL 1302
UTPB Course Number | TCCN |
MATH 1314 College Algebra |
MATH 1314 |
MATH 1324 Applications of Discrete Mathematics |
MATH 1324 |
MATH 1332 Contemporary Mathematics |
MATH 1332 |
MATH 1342 Elementary Statistics |
MATH 1342 |
MATH 2412 Precalculus |
MATH 2412 |
MATH 2413 Calculus I |
MATH 2413 |
Life and Physical Sciences
UTPB Course Number
ASTR 1301
Astronomy I |
BIOL 1306
General Biology I |
BIOL 1306
BIOL 1307
General Biology II |
BIOL 1307
BIOL 1308
Biology for Non-Science Majors |
BIOL 1308
CHEM 1311
General Chemistry I |
CHEM 1311
CHEM 1312
General Chemistry II |
CHEM 1312
GEOL 1301
Physical Geology |
GEOL 1303
GEOL 1302
Historical Geology |
GEOL 1304
PHYS 2325
University Physics I |
PHYS 2325
PHYS 2326
University Physics II |
PHYS 2326
Language, Philosophy and Culture
UTPB Course Number
COMM 1301
Intro to the Study of Communication |
ENGL 2322
British Literature to 1800 |
ENGL 2322
ENGL 2323
British Literature Since 1800 |
ENGL 2323
ENGL 2327
American Literature to 1865 |
ENGL 2327
ENGL 2328
American Literature Since 1865 |
ENGL 2328
PHIL 2300
Introduction to Philosophy |
PHIL 1301
SPAN 2311
Intermediate Spanish I |
SPAN 2311 |
SPAN 2312
Intermediate Spanish II |
SPAN 2312
SPAN 2320
Intro Latin American Studies |
SPAN 2323
UNIV 1301
Honors Freshman Seminar I |
Creative Arts
UTPB Course Number
ARTS 1301
Art Appreciation |
ARTS 1301
ARTS 1303
Art History Survey I |
ARTS 1303
ARTS 1304
Art History Survey II |
ARTS 1304
DRAM 1310
Introduction to Theatre Arts |
DRAM 1310
MUSI 1301
Jazz, Pop, and Rock |
MUSI 1310
MUSI 1306
Music Appreciation |
MUSI 1306
UNIV 1302
Honors Freshman Seminar II |
American History
UTPB Course Number
HIST 1301
History of the US to 1877 |
HIST 1301
HIST 1302
History of the US Since 1877 |
HIST 1302
Government/Political Science
UTPB Course Number
PLSC 2305
American National Politics |
GOVT 2305
PLSC 2306
State and Local Politics |
GOVT 2306
UNIV 2301
Honors Sophomore Seminar I |
Social and Behavioral Sciences
UTPB Course Number
ECON 2301
Principles of Macroeconomics |
ECON 2301
ECON 2302
Principles of Microeconomics |
ECON 2302
LEAD 1301
Introduction to Leadership Studies |
PSYC 1301
Introduction to Psychology |
PSYC 2301
SOCI 1301
Introduction to Sociology |
SOCI 1301
Institutional Option
Includes all one hour laboratories associated with courses in the Life and Physical Sciences and one math credit for students taking a 4 credit hour math course
UTPB Course Number
ARTS 1303
Art History Survey I |
ARTS 1303
ARTS 1304
Art History Survey II |
ARTS 1304
ASTR 1101
Descriptive Astronomy Lab |
BIOL 1106
General Biology I Lab |
BIOL 1106
BIOL 1107
General Biology II Lab |
BIOL 1107
BIOL 1108
Biology Non Science Majors Lab |
BIOL 1108
CHEM 1111
General Chemistry Lab I |
CHEM 1111
CHEM 1112
General Chemistry Lab II |
CHEM 1112
CHEM 1311
General Chemistry I |
CHEM 1311
CHEM 1312
General Chemistry II |
CHEM 1312
COMM 1115
Communication Lab |
COMM 1301
Intro to the Study of Comm |
COMM 1307
COMM 1315
Intro to Public Speaking |
SPCH 1315
DRAM 1310
Intro to Theatre Arts |
DRAM 1310
ECON 2301 Principles of Macroeconomics |
ECON 2301
ECON 2302 Principles of Microeconomics |
ECON 2302
ENGL 2322
British Lit to 1800 |
ENGL 2322
ENGL 2323
British Lit Since 1800 |
ENGL 2323
ENGL 2327
American Lit to1865 |
ENGL 2327
ENGL 2328
American Lit Since 1865 |
ENGL 2328
GEOL 1101
Physical Geology Lab |
GEOL 1103
GEOL 1102
Historical Geology Lab |
GEOL 1104
HIST 2322
World Civilizations Since 1500 |
HIST 2322
MUSI 1301
Jazz, Pop, rock |
MUSI 1310
PHYS 2125
University Physics I Lab |
PHYS 2125
PHYS 2126
University Physics II Lab |
PHYS 2126
PSYC 1301
Intro to Psychology |
PSYC 2301
SOCI 1301
Intro to Sociology |
SOCI 1301
SPAN 2311
Intermediate Spanish I |
SPAN 2311
SPAN 2312 Intermediate Spanish II |
SPAN 2312 |
SPAN 2320
Intro Latin American Studies |
SPAN 2323