What specific graduate programs qualify for this scholarship?
- The Master of Arts in Counseling – Clinical Mental Health Counseling Program
- The Master of Arts in Counseling – School Counseling Program
- The Master of Arts in Psychology with a Clinical Psychology Concentration
- The Master in Social Work (available Fall 2024)
There are two tracks in the Master of Arts program in Psychology, clinical and experimental. Are both concentrations eligible for the scholarship?
- No, only the Master of Arts with a Clinical Psychology concentration is eligible as that track leads to licensure as a therapist or counselor (LPC or LPA).
Are you required to have any specific undergraduate major to apply for a graduate program in counseling, clinical psychology, or social work?
- No, a student can apply with a degree from any type of completed undergraduate program.
What is the difference between the graduate programs in Counseling, Clinical Psychology, and Social Work?
- All three programs lead to one of the licensure options to become a mental health professional who can provide counseling or mental health treatments. However, each program has different emphasis, requirements, and licensure processes. You should look at each program to determine the best match for you.
What are the different licensures that would allow me to become a counselor or therapist?
- The Psychology Graduate program will prepare you to apply for licensure as a professional counselor (LPC) or psychological associate (LPA). The LPA allows you to conduct psychological assessments. The Clinical Mental Health Counseling Program will prepare you for the LPC. The School Counseling Program will lead to school counselor certification (SCS) Social Work can lead to a Licensed Master Social Worker (LMSW) or Licensed Clinical Social Worker (LCSW).
Where can I find the degree plans for the graduate programs in Clinical Mental Health Counseling, School Counseling, Clinical Psychology, or Social Work?
- Degree plans can be found on the program pages:
When will the Masters in Social Work Program be available?
- The program will open Fall 2024.
Is this program available online?
- The Clinical Psychology and Counseling programs are primarily on-ground, although there may be some courses offered online.
- The Social Work program is a fully online program, with all courses being taught in online settings.
- Students seeking the Impact BHS scholarship may enroll in any of the three programs, but must live in a Permian Basin county while enrolled in their graduate program.
Is the scholarship available for on-campus and online programs?
- YES, if you reside in a Permian Basin county while enrolled in the program. Counties included are: Midland, Ector, Reeves, Pecos, Loving, Ward, Winkler, Culberson, Andrews, Martin, Gaines, Howard, Glasscock, Reagan, Upton, Crane, Terrell, Crockett, Yoakum, Eddy, Lea, or Chaves.
Is there support for the completion of my clinical hours?
- Yes, there are a limited number of stipends available to support the completion of clinical hours. Many students will pursue completion of their clinical hours at agencies in the local community, some of which may also provide financial support.