Our students’ health, well-being and safety are paramount at The University of Texas Permian Basin – that’s where Corey Benson comes in. Benson joined the UT Permian Basin family as the Associate Dean of Students and Deputy Title IX Coordinator. His role on campus is to ensure all students get the most out of their college experience and walk away with great memories. Read the following Q&A to get to know Corey and learn more about his role at UT Permian Basin.
Q1. Tell us about your educational and professional background.
I have a Bachelor’s Degree in Communication from the University of Houston Clear Lake, a Master’s Degree in Educational Leadership and Policy Studies from the University of Texas at San Antonio. I was the Assistant Director of Community Standards for students in recovery at University of Texas at Arlington. A Title IX Investigator at the University of Texas Austin. A Title IX at University of Houston Clear Lake before becoming the Associate Dean of Students and Deputy Title IX Coordinator here at UTPB.
Q2. What will you be doing at UT Permian basin?
To put it simply, we are a student advocate. As the Associate Dean of Students, one of my primary roles is to promote student engagement. Our team creates and implements programs we think would get more students involved with what’s happening around campus. My team works closely with International Student Services and other programs. Another big part of my job is to serve as the Chief Student Conduct Officer – meaning, my office works to implement the student code of conduct and investigate alleged violations of it. Parents entrust us with their children, so it’s our responsibility to have all the resources available to ensure a student’s health and safety. My office works to develop alcohol and drug programs, along with other student health oriented programs. Any time a student has an emergency, we work to ensure all necessary parties are notified. Working on alcohol and other drug programs and student health programs.
Q3. What do you love most about your role here?
My favorite thing about working in Student Conduct Administration is helping students identify barriers to their success and working with them to make a plan to dismantle those barriers. Student conduct should be a developmental process and really serve as a point of critical reflection for students. It shouldn’t be adversarial or unpleasant. Students can be their best selves here and we can work to address anything that might be standing in the way of that.
Q4. How can students, faculty and staff take advantage of your expertise?
I’ve seen and heard it all – don’t be afraid to reach out to me. I currently serve as Chairperson of the Texas Dean of Students Council and as Director of Marketing for the Texas Association of College and University Student Personal Administrators. I’ve presented on any and all issues related to student rights. I have also presented on issues pertaining to student conduct administration and disability access. I have experience investigating and adjudicating Title IX violations, supporting those that are impacted by or perpetrated sexual conduct violations. I’m always happy to answer questions. Anyone could just stop in or send me an email.