Have You Met: Dr. Scott Lapinski
Q1: Tell us about your educational and professional background.
I have been in financial aid for 20 years and 10 of those as a Director of Financial Aid. I have worked at 9 different institutions in four different states. I have a BS Finance from Liberty University, MBA from Nova Southeastern University and DM from Colorado Technical University.
Q2. What will you be doing at UT Permian basin?
I will be working in the financial aid office overseeing federal, state, and institutional funding for students, and ensuring that the university is compliant with federal and state regulations in regards to Title IV funding.
Q3. What do you love most about your role here?
I love being able to assist students by being able to provide funding to achieve their goal of graduating from UT Permian Basin.
Q4. How can students, faculty and staff take advantage of your expertise?
If anyone has any questions in regards to financial aid my office door is always open. If there is a request for us to provide a presentation we will be more than willing to assist whether it is on or off campus.