Tobacco-Free Campus Policy
It is the policy of The University of Texas Permian Basin to promote the health, well-being and safety of students, faculty, staff, and visitors while on campus. Tobacco use and second-hand smoke have been identified by the Surgeon General to be the cause of preventable diseases. Use of cigarettes and other tobacco products lead to disease and death In addition to causing direct health hazards, smoking and smokeless tobacco use contribute to institutional costs including fire damage, cleaning and maintenance costs and costs associated with employee and student absenteeism, health care and medical insurance.
The purpose of this policy is to establish requirements for the prohibition of tobacco use and smoke products on the property of the University.
The use of tobacco as well as smoking or use of any smoking device, by students, faculty, staff, and visitors are prohibited at all times on University owned or leased property. In doing so, all areas of the University is designated as "Tobacco Free."
- University Property is defined as both interior and exterior space within the boundaries of all University-owned, leased, operated, occupied or controlled property, including, but not limited to, all enclosed or partially enclosed areas such as walkways, breezeways, bus shelters, sidewalks, parking lots and parking structures. For purposes of this policy, University property all includes all University vehicles including buses, vans, and all other University vehicles, whether leased or owned, and all indoor and outdoor athletic facilities, whether leased or owned.
University property does not include personal vehicles, provided that:- the windows are closed,
- all tobacco waste products are properly disposed of, and
- there is no prohibitions under the terms of a grant or sponsored research (including CPRIT) requirements.
- Tobacco Products is defined as all forms of tobacco products including, but not limited to, cigarettes (of any kind, including herbal/spice cigarettes), cigars, pipes, water pipes (hookah), bidis, kreteks, electronic cigarettes, smokeless tobacco, snuff, chewing tobacco or all other tobacco products). (Note: Medications with controlled amounts of nicotine that are used to aid quitting smoking are not considered tobacco products. A list of these medications can be found at the smokefree.gov website.
Notification of this policy shall be provided through electronic media; appropriate signage at entrances to the campus and major buildings; new student, faculty and staff orientations; and guides and handbooks. This policy applies to all grounds and facilities, whether or not signs are posted. Organizers and attendees at public events, such as conferences, meetings, public lectures, social events, cultural events and sporting events using University facilities will be required to comply with this policy.
Organizers of such events are responsible for communicating the policy to attendees and for enforcing this policy.
Advertising and Sales
The University prohibits the advertising, sale or free sampling of tobacco products, smoking and/or smoking devices on campus.
No office, department or organization associated with the University may accept gifts or sponsorships from tobacco-related companies.
Resources for Students and Employees
The University is committed to supporting all students and employees who wish to discontinue use of tobacco products. The Counseling Center will provide support to students who wish to discontinue tobacco use. Faculty and staff may consult with the Counseling Center and/or Human Resources for services regarding tobacco use prevention and cessation. Referral to cessation services is encouraged.
Exceptions to Policy
Limited and appropriate individual exceptions may be considered by the president of the institution or by the president's designee who, in considering whether to grant the exception, will review any sponsored research requirements and ensure that the exception is in support of the mission of the institution.
Members of the University community are empowered to respectfully inform others about the policy.
Any individual who believes that there has been a violation of this procedure may invoke the following actions:
- The individual may attempt to resolve the problem informally by requesting that the individual comply with the policy.
- If direct appeal fails and the behavior persists, the individual should contact the Office of Human Resources for concerns regarding employee tobacco usage or the Office of the Senior Associate Vice President for Student Services for student non-compliance with this policy.
- Violations could result in referral to the appropriate university officials for disciplinary action in accordance with established student, staff and/or faculty codes of conduct and procedures.
Repeat offenses by the same person shall be dealt with through established administrative/disciplinary policies and procedures.
Student Conduct and Discipline procedures
Employee Disciplinary Procedures
Relevant Federal and State Statutes and Rules
25 Texas Administrative Code, Part II, Section 703.20
Texas Penal Code 48.01 - Smoking Tobacco
Relevant UT System
The University of Texas System Board of Regents' Rules and Regulations, Rule 80111
Dates Approved and Amended
Effective August 15, 2016
Next scheduled review:
Most recent review: