Accounting Contacts
In order for the Office of Accounting to better serve the campus community in a timely manner, please email you requests/questions to the following emails instead of directly to individuals with the office.
studaccts@utpb.edu – for questions related to student accounts, billing, refunds, or payment plans.
accounting@utpb.edu – for general accounting questions.
reconciliation@utpb.edu – for questions related to Statement of Accounts reconciliation deadlines and processes, sub-certification information, and/or to request reconciliation training.
grantsacctng@utpb.edu – for questions related to grant accounts, grant budgets, grant billing, and/or grant financial reporting.
ar@utpb.edu – for questions related to past due student account balances, or for students and/or organizations to submit third-party invoices and/or payment information.
financialservices@utpb.edu – for submission of IDT requests/changes, new vendor set up, vendor set up revisions – including vendor ACH information.
treasury@utpb.edu – for submission of information related to ACH payments to/from UTPB (not payroll related).
inventory@utpb.edu – for questions related to fixed assets (assets costing $5,000 or more).
accountspayable@utpb.edu – for questions for vendor payments, vendor inquiries, or voucher correction requests.
invoices@utpb.edu – to submit invoices ONLY.
travel@utpb.edu – for questions about travel authorizations, travel expenses and expense reports.