Safety Data Sheet
OSHA and the Texas Hazard Communication Act require the University to provide a Safety Data Sheet (hereafter MSDS) on each chemical on campus.
An SDS binder is in every lab and has SDS of all chemical that is in or will likely be in the lab over the course of the year. The information included on an SDS is the name, substance identification, components, physical data, fire and explosion data, toxicity, health effects, first aid, reactivity, spill procedures, storage computability and protective equipment required.
Regulations do not state a form for this data to be presented in so there is some verity in the presentation. Below is a link to the UTPB MSDS library, several nonaffiliated sites and some of the chemical manufactures we use.
Enter the search site of UTPB MSDS & SDS
Links to other MSDS Libraries
- SIRI MSDS Index http://hazard.com/msds/ or http://hazard.com
- Canadian Center for Occupational Health & Safety http://ccinfoweb.ccohs.ca/msds/search.html
SDS Term Guide
MSDS and SDS have many terms and abbreviations. This guide has been developed to assist in finding definitions and explanation of these terms. While expansive it is not inclusive of all terms. As always if you have a question that is not answered please feel free to contact EH&S at either EHS@utpb.edu or by phone 432-552-2493 for assistance.