Student Course Evaluations
UTPB currently uses an online platform to distribute and collect student course evaluations. Paper forms are no longer available, and all course evaluations must be completed online. During the final weeks of each term students will receive communications to start their course evaluations in the following ways:
- Students will receive an email to their Outlook account with a personalized link to access and submit their evaluations.
- Student will have a course evaluation link on the Canvas landing page.
- Student will see a, “Student Course Evaluation” link added to the course navigation menu of every Canvas course shell.
Students will have access to their evaluations 24 hours a day through the end of the survey period. Once the deadline for completing the evaluations has ended, faculty will receive an email with instructions on how to view the results, which become available only after the end of the survey period.
Please note: EvaluationKit, our student course evaluation software, is very mobile friendly and students may complete course evaluations using their smart phone or other mobile devices. For additional information on how-to complete course evaluations using your mobile device view EvalKit How-to Mobile Device.
Important Notes:
- Only faculty can see students' written comments and responses.
- Evaluations may NOT be reset in any circumstance. Individual student surveys cannot be traced.
How-To Guide
To view and download your evaluation results
Current Evaluations
Evaluations from Summer 2019 or later may be viewed and downloaded using EvaluationKit.
Text instructions:
- Access the course evaluation link using one of two ways:
- From your faculty email, click the course evaluation link.
- In Canvas, go to Account, Course Evaluations
- Inside of your course(s), click on the “Instructor Course Evaluations” link, located on the Canvas course navigation menu.
- Select the name of the semester, and you will be taken to your evaluations page.
- Choose the blue report icon on the right of the course name to pick the report which is most useful to you. Currently the "Detailed Report + Comments" is most similar to what you have seen in the past.
Video instructions: EvalKit How-to Access.
How to customize your evaluation(s)
This is an exciting feature which is coming soon! Custom questions, special reports, and more will be made available in the future. Please check the FalconOnline training schedule to find out more information.
To access previous course evaluation reports
To access old course evaluations from Spring 2019 and earlier, please email surveys@utpb.edu and they will be sent to you via email. Please specify the date ranges you would like, or if you'd like them all.
Student Access
Students receive a link in their UTPB email which will either take them directly to EvaluationKit, or they can access them through Canvas either via:
- Global Announcement when they first log in.
- Using the “Student Course Evaluations” link in their Canvas course navigation menu.
- An invitation link sent to the account identified in the Canvas profile
Face-to-Face and Hybrid Courses
Students taking face-to-face or hybrid courses will have access to course evaluations in the same fashion as online students, by student email and in Canvas.
Course Evaluation FAQ
Encouraging a High Rate of Response
It is important for faculty to engage and support students in the completion of student course evaluations. Faculty receive the highest response rates, and the most valuable feedback, when they take the following steps:
- Communicate to students the importance of the course evaluations to their teaching
- Review the activities and topics covered in the course and remind students of some of the learning opportunities provided
- Set aside ample time in class for students to complete the evaluations
- Extra credit can be offered for completion. Students receive a time stamped certificate of completion for each review. They can provide these to their instructors as proof of completion.
Once the evaluation period is open for students, we request that faculty set aside at least 30 minutes of class time for students to complete their evaluations. During this time, students should be encouraged to use their mobile devices, laptops, or visit the computer lab/library.