Current Students
The UTeach Permian Basin program offers teacher certification preparation for middle school and high school levels in science and mathematics. UTeach Permian Basin will assist students with matching their bachelor’s degree plan with any of the different teaching certification preparation at either the middle or the high school level.
All students must take a set of professional development courses in addition to content courses for their desired area of certification. These degree holders will be fully comparable to and competitive with non-teaching degree holders.
UTeach Financial Opportunities
Tuition Reimbursement: In partnership with the UTeach program and Permian Strategic Partnership (PSP), UTeach Permian Basin is able to reimburse the first course at no cost to you with UTPB’s UTeach tuition reimbursement opportunity.
Internships: Students complete a paid internship as part of the program and complete a bachelor’s degree in a science or mathematics field in four years, while simultaneously earning a secondary teacher certification.
Student Workers: Students can apply to be a tutor at a K-12 campus and earn up to $15 per hour, working up to 19.5 hours per week.
Workroom and Inventory
The UTeach Permian Basin Workroom is a place for UTeach Permian Basin students to collaborate and use our resources. Visit the UTeach Permian Basin work room in the Founders Building (FB0540) to view the inventory for your assignments and field experiences.