Supplemental Instruction
What is Supplemental Instruction (SI)?
The SI Program targets traditionally difficult academic subjects—those that have a high rate of D or F grades and withdrawals—and provides regularly scheduled, out-of-class, peer facilitated review sessions.
- You learn how to learn and what to learn
- Helps you prepare for tests
- Receive better grade in class
- It's a good way to meet new friends
Who is an SI Leader?
An SI Leader is a student who has successfully completed the course and has been recommended by the professor. SI Leaders attend all classes and host weekly review sessions. All SI Leaders receive SI Training in addition to AVID Tutor Training.
Does SI Work?
YES! Students who participate in SI earn higher test grades, course grades and excel more often than non-participants.
Still not sure?
Ask yourself the following questions, if you answer YES to any of these questions you should participate in SI:
- Is my comprehension of certain concepts fuzzy?
- Am I dissatisfied with my grade?
- Do I need help understanding my homework?
- Do I need practice organizing information?
- Do I need encouragement to boost my self-confidence?
- Do I need help in developing a good problem-solving strategy?
- Do I need another point of view?
- Do I need help reviewing for exams?
- Do I really want to waste my student service fees on a service I don't even use?