Graduation Information
If you are intending on graduating this semester, you must submit a completed application by the deadline even if you do not plan on attending the ceremony. NO LATE APPLICATIONS WILL BE ACCEPTED.
UT Permian Basin Graduate Graduation Application
Graduate Student Graduation Procedures
If you are applying for graduation, please note that your application must be turned in to the Registrar’s Office AND Graduate Studies Office by the deadline. No late applications will be accepted. All information concerning the commencement ceremony will be emailed to you by the Registrar’s Office. Please provide a current active email address on your application. Find out about deadline information.
Graduation Application process:
- Fill out the application
- Contact your advisor for approval. Advisor and Program Head/Department Chair signatures are required before submitting an application.
- Return or email the Registrar copy of the application to the Registrar’s Office (registrar@utpb.edu) and return or email the Graduate Studies copy of the application to the Graduate Studies Office (gradstudies@utpb.edu)
- Make sure you have an official degree plan on file with the Graduate Studies Office. A degree check must be completed before you can be cleared to receive your diploma.
- Graduation Application fee ($50) will be placed onto your MyUTPB account.
- Pay the fee online through your MyUTPB account or with the Accounting Office.
Registering In-Absentia
All students who are graduating must be registered at UTPB during the semester they intend to graduate. If all UTPB course work has been completed, the applicant must be registered In-Absentia.
Changing your Graduation Date
If your plans to graduate change, you must submit a signed and dated letter to the Registrar's Office. You will also need to notify your advisor and the Graduate Studies Office.
Sending all Transcripts
If you are taking a course at another institution this semester you will need to request that an official transcript be sent to the UTPB Office of Admissions immediately upon completion. Your diploma will not be released until an official transcript showing the successful completion of that course has been received by the University.
Clearing Your Holds
Students who have overdue library books or an overdue financial obligation to the university cannot receive a diploma.