hooding ceremony

Graduate Forms

Please find common forms for graduate studies. If you do not see the form you’re looking for or need help, contact our office at gradstudies@utpb.edu, call (432) 552-2530.

Graduate Academic Forms

  • Graduate Academic Petition Request for change to graduate degree plan or exception to graduate policy. 
  • Graduate Change of Program Request  Request to change master's program and/or add certification if you are already accepted. Your new program may require additional information such as letters of recommendation, essays, new application, new scores, etc. There is no guarantee that you will be admitted to the new program, or that courses you have completed will transfer. Contact an advisor in the new program before deciding to change your program.
  • Graduate Admissions Appeal Form  Request to appeal an admission decision. The appeal must be based on the grounds that the denial was a violation of the admissions policy and procedure or the application was not evaluated in accordance with the criteria for admission set forth by the intended graduate program/department.
  • Graduate Transfer Credit Request Form Request to transfer graduate courses completed at another accredited institution. All credit transfers must be approved after acceptance to a graduate program. 
  • Graduate Add Certification Form Request to add certification to current master’s degree.
  • Graduate Dismissal Appeal Form Request to appeal a graduate dismissal
  • Graduate Request to Dean of Graduate Studies Request for an exception
  • Graduate Defense Form Memorandum to Dean of Graduate Studies for oral and written examinations.
  • Graduate Student Absentia Form

Graduate Admission Forms

  • Parchment Third Party Transcript Release Authorization Form Submission of this form allows for the UTPB Graduate Studies office to request transcripts from your previous universities and colleges on your behalf through Parchment. This request cannot be completed if your previous institutions do not use Parchment to send their transcripts.

Graduate Assistantship Forms

Graduate Studies Curriculum Forms 

Graduate Faculty Status

Accelerated Master's Pathway Forms