Explanation of Fees
Let's break down what you're paying for.
Your student bill can be a bit confusing—we get it. At UT Permian Basin, we strive to be as transparent as possible to help you understand what exactly you’re paying for. We know college is an investment, and you deserve to know where your hard-earned money is going.
At UT Permian Basin, each line on the billing that states "Tuition" is part of the tuition rates which are set by Texas Legislature and UT System Board of Regents (Texas Education Code 54.008). Begin part of the UT System Schools, we will have them as separate line items in the billing for record keeping purposes.
We have Statutory and designated tuition. The Statutory tuition (Base) is what all students are charged regardless of residence. Designated tuition is the amount of tuition that is considered necessary for the effective operation of the institution (Texas Education Code 54.0513). Designated Set Aside is a portion of the designated tuition which is set aside and dedicated to providing need-based financial aid to students in accordance with provisions of the Texas Education Code, Section 56.014.
Understanding Your Fees
*Tuition and Fees are just a part of a student’s expenses while attending a particular college. To review the estimated expenses for one year including tuition, housing and food, books, supplies, transportation, loan fees, and miscellaneous expenses here at UT Permian Basin visit our webpage.
An Important Message Regarding Tuition Increases and Changes
The University of Texas System Board of Regents (the Board) is authorized to set tuition for UT System institutions. Should the Board make any tuition and fee increases for the 2022-2023 academic year at an upcoming Board meeting, the actual tuition rate will be set after the Board of Regents meets. Your estimated tuition bill for the Fall 2022 term will be available at that time.
Any single-year resident undergraduate tuition increase at UT Permian Basin will not exceed 3 percent for the 2022-2023 academic year. UT Permian Basin also offers a four-year guaranteed tuition plan.
Actual charges for your fall 2022 registration will be posted to your my.UTPB.edu account in July. Your registration will be complete once your tuition bill is paid.
Pursuant to state law, the University of Texas Board of Regents is authorized to set tuition. The UT Board of Regents will consider proposed tuition and fee increases at its May 2022 meeting. Your registration is not final at this time. It will be finalized after the Board's May action setting tuition and fees for the 2022/2023 academic year. Any amount you pay at this time will be credited toward the amount set by the UT Board at the May meeting.
If you have questions, please contact Student Accounts at (432) 552-2706.
Designated Tuition Set-Aside Notice
In accordance with provisions of the Texas Education Code, Section 56.014, each semester, UTPB will maintain on the website notice for every student who has paid designated tuition. The notice will indicate the amount of their tuition required to be set aside and used for need-based financial aid to UTPB students. No action is necessary by the recipient, as this is an informational notice only.
- So, what is it? Tuition set aside is the portion of the designated tuition paid by resident students, set aside and dedicated to providing need-based financial aid to students.
- Why is it set aside in the first place? It’s the law. The University is required to set aside a portion of designated tuition charged to a resident student.
- How much is set aside? Fifteen percent per credit hour of designated tuition in excess of $46.00 per credit hour for undergraduate and graduate residents is set aside.