College campus visits are one of the best ways to connect with students and understand their goals for higher education. And inviting students to campus is easy! We have several different ways a student can come to campus and learn about our University.
Prospective students can sign up for three different types of tours, with the most popular being the Individual Tour. Another option they can choose is the Virtual Tour. And the last option is group tours, which is typically used by school counselors and teachers.
Logan Wilson, the Welcome Center Coordinator, receives all tour requests from prospective students and schools. Logan is essential when it comes to our UTPB campus visit experience. Every tour request goes through her, and she ensures the tour guides, Admissions Counselors, and professors are prepared to speak with these students. This semester, we have already hosted 75 students from San Angelo and 77 students from Bonham Elementary in Midland. Here are tours we are still anticipating for this semester:
February 22nd - 10AM - Monterey HS (40)
February 24th - 9:30AM - Permian HS (77)
March 3rd - 9:15AM - Underwood Elementary (310)
March 22nd - 10AM - Adinvita Private School (12)
March 29th - 8:30AM - Crockett Middle School (112)
April 8th - 8AM - Sophomores from Rosceo ISD (30)
April 22nd - 10AM - Youth and Young Adults (20)
And this doesn’t include our Falcon Days on February 26th and April 2nd! Both Falcon Day events combined should bring a few hundred people to campus! Some of the ways we have been pushing these efforts is our counselors who actively engage with students across the Permian Basin, email campaigns through our Slate CRM that promote our Falcon Days and other on-campus events, and working with various UTPB departments and community leaders to ensure our information reaches more students and their families.
If you know any students interested in The University of Texas Permian Basin, feel free to provide them with our Visit campus link here:!
Feel free to contact Logan Wilson with any of your campus visit questions!
Logan Wilson
UTPB Welcome Center Coordinator