Library Frequently Asked Questions
Common questions about the library.
- Where is the library located on campus?
- Does the library have textbooks?
- Does the library offer testing services?
- Is Wifi available?
- Does the library lend laptops?
- What are the library's hours?
- How do I pay my library fines?
- What services (printing, scanning, copying, faxing) does the library provide?
- How do I renew items?
- How do I get an interlibrary loan (ILL)?
- Is the library open to the public?
- How do I get a library card?
- What software applications are on the computers?
- How long can I keep borrowed materials?
- How can I find a book, an ebook, or an article?
- I can't find the answer to my question in these FAQs - where can I get help?
Where is the library located on campus?
For a map, directions, and information on parking, click on Location on the library's homepage.
Does the library have textbooks?
It is not the library's policy to purchase textbooks. However, students should check the catalog as sometimes we have the books that are used as textbooks in classes.
Does the library offer testing services?
No testing services are offered in the library. This service is provided by the Testing Services & Academic Accommodations Department.
Is Wifi available?
Yes, pick up the information sheet about public/guest Wifi at the Library Services Desk. To access the Wifi for UTPB students and staff, visit the Online Network Registration page and log in with FalconID and password to register the device with the UTPB network.
Does the library lend laptops?
The library lends laptops to currently enrolled students. The student must be in good standing and must sign the Library Laptop Use Agreement. The loan period is 3 days; however, 2 renewals of 3 days each are allowed, if the laptop is renewed on or before the due date.
What are the library hours?
See Future Hours.
How do I pay library fines?
All payments are made through the Accounting Office.
What services (printing, scanning, copying) does the library provide?
Printing, Copying, and Scanning are available to current students. Scanning is available to all patrons and requires a USB flash drive. No faxing services are available.
How do I renew items?
You can call the Library Services Desk at 432-552-2370 or you can renew online.
How do I get an interlibrary loan (ILL)?
Click on Interlibrary Loan on the library's homepage. Click on the Interlibrary Loan form. Fill out the Resource Sharing form with all the information you have about the publication. This service is only available currently enrolled students, faculty, and staff.
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Is the library open to the public?
Yes, the library is open to the public with limitations.
How do I get a library card?
For students, staff, and faculty, your UTPB ID card is also your library card.
Community users can obtain limited borrowing privileges. There are several types of library cards available depending on the borrower’s circumstances: Alumni Patrons, Community Patrons, ECISD Teachers, TexShare Patrons, or Youth Patrons. Research assistance is available to all patrons.
Alumni, Community, Youth, TexShare users – link to Policies where they can look up the information.
What software applications are on computers?
The computers for student use have the following software applications: Microsoft Office (Access, Excel, InfoPath Designer, InfoPath Filler, One Drive for Business, OneNote, Powerpoint, Publisher, Skype for Business, and Word), IBM SPSS Statistics, Maple 18, MathCad, MatLab, PTC Creo, PTC Mathcad, Respondus Lockdown Browser, SolidWorks, and Wolfram Mathematica 9. These software applications are not available on the public use computers.
How long can I keep borrowed materials?
- Books: 28 days
- DVDs/Videos: 3 days
Full-Time Faculty
- Books: until May 1 of the current school year
Adjunct Faculty / Staff
- Books: until end of the current semester
Full-Time Faculty / Adjunct Faculty / Staff
- DVDs/Videos: 2 weeks
Guest / Youth
- Books: 2 weeks
How can I find a book, an ebook, or an article?
On the library's homepage, enter your search terms in Falcon Finder under Find Books & Articles. To get more help see How to search Electronic Resources through Falcon Finder and How to search Print Books through Falcon Finder.
I can't find the answer to my question in these FAQs - where can I get help?
Call the Library Services Desk at 432-552-2370, email us at libraryservices@utpb.edu, or chat with us online.