Behavior Intervention Team
BIT Alert Phone Number: 432-552-2600
If it is an emergency, call 911 or 432-552-2911 or 2911 if calling from a campus phone.
Email notices can be sent to BIT@utpb.edu
About BIT Program
The purpose of the BIT is to receive referrals for persons whose behavior appears stressed and in danger to themselves or other individuals. The BIT evaluates the student and the circumstances and will determine the appropriate course of action. The goal of the team is to maintain a healthy and safe environment for the UTPB community.
Types of activities that should be reported:
Persons who exhibit one or more of the following behaviors:
- Bizarre or strange behavior
- Deterioration in personal appearance
- References to harming self or others
- Irritable, abrasive or aggressive behavior
- Crying and or persistent sadness, nervousness, impaired speech
- Self-injurious behavior
- Suicidal thought or attempt
- Behavior that threatens or endangers others
- Possession of a weapon
- Erratic or disruptive behavior
- Involuntary transportation to the hospital for alcohol or drug use/abuse
If you have concerns about the students, but have not observed disruptive behavior, please explain your concerns.
- Emergencies that require immediate intervention should be referred to the UTPB Police.
- Students may also be referred to the University Counseling Center.
- The BIT does not replace referrals to the Counseling Center or the Early Alert System, which handle situations involving less severe situations.
If you notice or are notified of a person on campus who may be harmful or unsafe, please make a referral to the BIT.