Voter Registration Information
If you’re a student who spends several weeks or months a year in different locations but wants to vote in Texas, you’ll need to decide which place in Texas is the place you call “home,” i.e., where you intend to return after you’ve been away. If you consider your parents’ address to be your permanent residence, you may use that address as your registration address. If you would like to register to vote at your college address, you may do so, but you cannot be registered in both places.
If you are attending a college or university away from home, you can vote early by mail if you claimed as your primary residence the address where you live while not attending school – in other words, where a parent or guardian lives.
To request that an early voting ballot be sent to the address where you are physically planning to be at election time (e.g. at school), you must fill out an early voting ballot request application. More information is about voting in Texas is available at VoteTexas.gov.
If you consider yourself a permanent resident of another state, you will need to consult with officials there for registration and ballot-by-mail procedures. Voting guides for college students by state are available from the Campus Vote Project.
The University of Texas Permian Basin is proud to partner with TurboVote. TurboVote is an online tool that makes voting easy: Helping every American vote in every election—local, state, and national.
Begin the process to register to vote at utpb.turbovote.org.
Voter registration initiatives are sponsored by Student Government Association, the Office of the Dean of Students, and the Honors Program.