UTPB Homecoming image
Homecoming is October 13-19.

The fall semester is here, and that means it's time for HOMECOMING! We are excited to celebrate what it means to be a Falcon and have many events and activities planned. This year's theme is "The Falcon Olympics." 

Be a part of the Homecoming Parade! 

UTPB Homecoming Events

Student Organization Banner Contest Sunday, Oct. 13 12p-5p Student Activity Center
Kick-off Luncheon Monday, Oct. 14 12p-2p Student Activity Center Patio
HOCO Court Presentation  Monday, Oct. 14 6p Student Activity Center 
Design-A-Shirt Tuesday, Oct. 15 10a-2p Student Activity Center 
Nailed It Tuesday, Oct. 15 7p Student Activity Center
Karaoke Night  Wednesday, Oct. 16 7p Student Activity Center 
Obstacle Course Tournament  Thursday, Oct. 17 6p REC White Field 
Parade, Jon Wolfe Concert, and Bonfire - FREE & Open to Community Friday, Oct. 18 7p-10p Kirk Turf Field 
Football Game and Coronation Saturday, Oct. 19 6p Astound Broadband Stadium